Political Call to Action

House Bill Weakens the ADA – Call to Action!

The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD), is calling on advocates to oppose H.R. 3765, which weakens the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Specifically, H.R. 3765, the ADA Education and Reform Act of 2015, would eliminate the responsibility of businesses to know their obligations under the ADA and place the burden of ensuring compliance on people with disabilities themselves. The legislation imposes several additional steps on plaintiffs before they can file a civil action for an accessibility violation in a public accommodation case. It would also impose criminal fines if demand letters or other pre-suit notifications alleging violations of ADA public accommodation requirements are not sufficiently specific.


On July 7, 2016, the House Judiciary Committee passed the bill out of committee by a 15-6 vote. Two other bills were also heard by the Committee: H.R. 241, the ACCESS ADA Compliance for Customer Entry to Stores and Services Act of 2015; and H.R. 4719, COMPLI Act. Similar to H.R. 3765, these bills are designed to limit the ability of individuals with disabilities from enforcing their rights to public accommodation in the same manner as all other citizens. Advocates are called upon to contact their House Members in opposition to H.R. 3765, noting that businesses have had 26 years to know the provisions of the ADA and to be compliance.


As a Nurse, I urge you to contact your House Representive to advocate on behalf of those we know who need reasonable accommodation in the community.  Please raise your voice and vote to oppose this bill.


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